Space and Astronomy Club

by Arif Solmaz

University Club

Arif is a professional astronomer and a communication scientist, working primarily on improving our understanding of exoplanets.

He has been working for the Astrophysics Research Centre & Ulupınar Observatory of the University of Canakkale in Turkey for seven years.

Arif is now at another university and research centre — the University of Cag (Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Sciences) and Space and Astronomy Office (SAO) — which is located in southern Turkey.

He graduated from the physics department in 2008 and from space sciences and technologies in 2010. His thesis was titled “A Status Report and Planning of Future for Exoplanet Observations”. Arif is interested in this topic and its impact on society.

Thanks to his new position at SAO, he will be able to work as a Science Communicator, Coordinator and Program Director for the public in general, doing astronomical observations and presenting some recent planetarium shows for visitors.

Contact in Turkey
Arif Solmaz
Çanakkale Astrofizik Araştırma Merkezi
Çanakkale, Türkiye

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